Around Town
Waking Up in Boone
He starts the music. It is a song by Sleeping At Last. His wife Fleur brings a lamp as he begins stirring white acrylic paint in a large plastic cup. He stirs, considers, and stirs some more. I begin to wonder if he’s reconsidering allowing our presence in that small sacred space where so few but him had gone since the day he christened it as a studio.
Compelling Story
We joined Ken for a glimpse into his Warrensville, North Carolina workspace in early November while, as he describes it, “the last of the goldenrod fell.” He describes the explosion of beauty in the field last spring behind his home and how just weeks before we visited, the goldenrod had still been ablaze with color. Now the winter browning of the field and hibernating of his family’s honey bees has Ken thinking about seasons again.
Bohemia Cafe
West Jefferson, North Carolina

The Power of a Creative Side Hustle.
By Ken Robinson